I am Christopher Kasl

Designer, Developer, Dreamer

My Services1

Clean HTML5 Code

Modern CSS3 styles

Bootstrap for Responsive Design



jQuery for DOM Manipulation


Front End


Back End




High Score

Latest Projects2

The Noble Coffee - Website

The Noble Coffee is a small coffee-import start up from Los Angeles with the goal of supplying high quality coffee beans from local farmers in Peru. They pride themselves on their unique bean selection which covers a range of dark roast brew coffee to a smooth cleanly-balanced espresso bean. Future plans include importing coffee from farmers in Colombia, Costa Rica, and Hawaii.

Click to visit TheNobleCoffee.com

Locked Insurance Services - Website

A family owned and operated insurance agency for over 8 years with 2 offices serving the San Fernando Valley and downtown Los Angeles communities. A customer service focused dedication and knowledgeable staff has allowed Locked Insurance to attract and acquire a wide range of established and well known corporations offering low-priced auto and homeowner insurance policies to choose from.

Click to visit LockedInsurance.com

Optio.la - Executive Protection

Optio is a Los Angeles based startup implementing job placement and training for executive protection and other security professionals. Optio allows employers to post job openings with requirements. The site features a candidate suggestion engine that matches candidates to job qualifications tied into advanced search filtering tools. Guards can publish their profile, search job postings and apply for open positions.

Click to visit Optio.la

It's not about ideas, it's about making ideas happen.

So, give your space a splash.

Contact Me

My Profile3

That's Me!

Chris Kasl

Full Stack Developer

I'm Chris Kasl, a full-stack developer, born, raised and educated in Los Angeles. I have a buzzing excitement for creating challenging, intuitive and beautiful products. My design process is very hands-on and visual.

Oh, y también hablo y escribo español.

Creating is not just a job for me, it's a passion.

See my Latest Projects

Contact Me4

I am available for freelance.
Can't wait for the next exciting project! Could it be yours?

Christopher Kasl
9853 Yoakum Dr
Beverly Hills, CA 90210
(323) 894 - iDev
